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At 11:26 hours this morning, Taunton and Mutual Aid units were dispatched to a reported Residential Fire in the Breckenridge neighborhood of the Taunton Fire District. The initial 911 caller reported that their house was on fire and was filling with smoke. Taunton Car 1 (Chief Phelan), Car 2 (D/C Harris) and Engine 4 (FF Messina) responded on dispatch. Car 1 arrived on scene with nothing evident from 3 sides of the structure, and assumed Command. Car 1 subsequently observed heavy smoke emanating from the basement stairs. Engine 4 arrived simultaneously with Onondaga Hill Truck 44 and stretched a handline to the basement. Car 2 assumed Operations. First arriving companies were met with heavy fire in the basement and a Signal 99 (Working Fire) was declared. Taunton Ladder 5 (Captain Martin) arrived and went to work “opening up” to expose hidden fire in the basement ceiling and walls. Searches were conducted and proved negative. Taunton Rescue 1 (FF Cox), M1 (FF Williams), and Car 402 (Investigator Sauer) also responded on the alarm. Mutual aid from Solvay, Fairmount, Onondaga Hill, and Howlett Hill assisted on scene while Camillus stood by at Taunton Station 1. All units cleared by 13:24. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation and there were no reported civilian or responder injuries.